Philips Achieva 1.5T MRI System

The Philips Acheiva 1.5T MRI machine is a fast and easy-to-use machine. It is available in 8, 16, and 32 channels. The Achieva includes SmartExam functions that allow for uniform image quality across patients, technicians/operators, patient position and pathology.  The Philips Achieva 1.5T is a fast scanner, can complete a complete spinal and brain scan in less than 20 minutes.

Patient table height can be lowered to 20-inches, and the patient support enables patients weighing up to 550 pounds. It also has variable lighting, a fresh air supply and a handheld call button.

Achieva is specifically designed to enhance patient comfort and throughput by virtue of a spacious patient aperture that effectively eliminated claustrophobic effects and affords excellent patient access, provided by a combination of ht shortest straight bore length in the industry and widely flaring bore. Achieva systems ultra- compact, patient friendly environment also affords un-compromised large and off set FOV imaging. The high SNR body coil permit large FOV imaging without surface coils reducing set-up time and facilitating easy run-off studies.


  • Bore Diameter: 60cm (23.6 in)
  • Straight bore length: 60cm
  • Bore Flare 110 cm (43 in) on both the front and rear of the magnet, enabling equal access to the patient. Additionally start/stop controls on both ends of the magnet increase operating flexibility.
  • Patient support enables patients weighing up to 250 kg (550) to be comfortably positioned.
  • Patient table height can be lowered to 52 cm ( 20.4) providing easy access for compromised positioned.
  • Detachable tabletop can be combined with optional trolley for efficient patient management and rapid evacuation.
  • Horizontal travel of 215 cm (7.05 ft) (1.0 mm) (0.04inch) accuracy
  • Adjustable fresh air supply and variable lighting
  • In-bore microphone and ceiling-mounted loudspeakers support two-way patient- operator communication and music.
  • Hand-held technologist call button
  • Soft mattress with a headrest, knee support, and positioning wedges
  • Patient head set with built-in two-way communication reduces acoustic noise by up to 25 dB.


  • Pulsar, Nova HP and Nova Dual HP Gradients
  • Freewave TF
  • Synergy RF system handles 4 quadrature coil channels plus 1 linear channel
  • High intrinsic homogeneity and excellent image quality
  • Patient table supports up to 550 lbs
  • Soft mattress with head rest
  • SmartExam technology


The magnet system of Achieva 1.5T offers high intrinsic homogeneity typically higher than 1.5 ppm- enabling superb fat suppression via techniques such as SPIR and SPAIR. In addition Achieva 1.5T system’s high homogeneity allows raid per- patient dynamic shimming for excellent image quality over the entire 53cm (20.9 in) field of view. The ability to employ large FOV’s facilities run-off studies Willis down to the aortic arch. The Achieva 1.5T system’s excellent homogeneity also affords easy imaging of off-center anatomy. Key Features Include:

  • Typical homogeneity of 1.5 ppm VMRS over a 50 cm DSV
  • Superconducting screening coils reduce magnetic field susceptibility caused by moving ferrous objects.
  • Lightweight 2900 kg (6393 lbs) design and compact fringe field footprint of 3.8m x 7.9ft) facilitate easy siting.
  • Typical helium consumption ( as low as 0.03 1/hr) extends time between cryogen refills.

Philips offers the Nova High Performance (HP) gradient system, which enables users ideal performance for today’s advanced clinical applications. In combination with FreeWave, Nova HP delivers exceptional sequence performance in terms of minimum TE-TR for angio, cardiac, and EPI applications. Performance is achieved over the entire 53 cm FOV with an excellent and acoustic noise. Key Features Include:

  • Maximum FOV is 53cm
  • Peak Amplitude 33mT/m, slew rate 180 mT/m/ms. All specifications are on axis (x,y, and z)
  • Lineavity of 1.4% over the entire 53cm FOV with distortion correction.
  • State of the art water cooled gradient amplifier technology combined with a non – resonant coil design allows flexible generations of any type of gradient acoustic noise by up to 30 dB ( an 86% reduction in patient- perceived acoustic noise)

Achieva 1.5T is powered by Philips FreeWave, the first entirely direct digital broadband spectrometer. With a scaleable architecture, oustanding SNR performance and unique 3MHz bandwidth per RF channel, FreeWave is prepared to preform emerging clincial techniques that require higher data rates, bandwidth, and resoultion, including Philip’s latest unique methods 4D-TRAK, k-t BLAST, 2D imaging and whole body DWIBS (contained in optional packages)

RF Receive

  • 16 RF Channels Standard
  • Direct Digital Sampling at 80 MHz per channel with no analog modulation
  • 3MHz Bandwidth per channel
  • Simultaneous connection or multiple coils( total of 32 quadrature coil elements)
  • Modular expandable architecture

RF Transmit:

  • 18kw Solid- state RF power amplifier that affords the energy necessary to image even the large patient.
  • Real time control
  • Sub- millisecond TR’s and ultra-short TE’s provide image quality and reduce examinations times.
  • Real time imaging control for clinical motion correction, including Snapshot and optional navigator correction required for free-breathing cardiac techniques and high resolution diffusion with profile updates with 1 ms.
  • Real time control of RF transmission, gradient switching, sate acquisition and triggering.

Standard RF Coils:

  • Quadrature Transmit/ Receive Body coil
  • Quadrature Head Coil
  • 17 cm circular flex coil
  • 11cm circular flex coil

The MR WorkSpace is a unique configure solution to MR workflow targeted to resolving the management of the increasing volume of MR workstation that is functionally identical of the operator’s console. The MR WorkSpace provides standard storage to DVD can be included. An optional MR WorkSpace Media and Distribution center provides and efficient solution for the creation of labeled patient specific DVDs and daily DVD back-ups.

The MR WorkSpace can be incorporated optional, advanced MR processing and reporting capabilities. The result is a seamless working environment that can conform to the needs of any MR department–boosting its efficiency and productivity while also avoiding the expense of dedicated workstations

Achieva 1.5T system’s Distributed architecture is based on the latest computer and operating system technology. With separate processors for scanning, image reconstruction, and viewing 1200 per second. Key Features Include:

  • 23-inch LCD wide screen format monitor
  • 3.2 GHz Dual Intel Xeon processors
  • Windows VP OS
  • 3 GB internal memory
  • 36 GB system disk
  • 72 GB main image data base disk
  • 80 GB additional data storage disk
  • DVD + RW for image storage
  • DVD for software loading
  • 10 Base T, 100 Base T, 1000 Base T connections
  • Fast reconstruction of demanding image techniques (interactive real-time, SENSE, high resolution, and high coil channel count)
  • 3.2 GHx multiprocessor or reconstruction
  • 4 GB reconstruction memory